Homework - Year 12 Farewell
Homework this week is different!
Students have finished their Year 12 Farewell speeches and these have been printed and are in their diaries.
Students are encouraged to rehearse their speech as they will be presenting these on Friday at our Year 12 Farewell High Tea.
The audience will include Dr Burgess, staff, past students, Year 12 students and friends.
On Friday, girls can arrive at school in their PE uniform.
The JLS class will be going to PE for Period 1 and 2 and will attend assembly. Bring your recess.
The SLS class will be helping with set up in Period 1 and 2 and will attend assembly. Bring your recess.
All students will get changed into their party clothes for the high tea which starts at 11am. Everyone must be wearing enclosed shoes and follow the Danebank mufti clothes guidelines.
Lunch will be provided.
We are looking forward to a special time for our Year 12 students on Friday.
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