Happy New Year!
Welcome back to Danebank in 2024.
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday break.
Ms Jervis went to Queensland for Christmas where she celebrated with her niece and nephew. We are looking forward to hearing all about how you celebrated Christmas and the exciting adventures you've experienced over the break.
The teachers and Learning Support Assistants are heading back to school this week to get ready for your return.
Over the next days, start thinking about getting organised to return to school.
Things you could do include:
- Set an alarm and wake up at the time you will need to for school so your body doesn't get a big shock on the first day back (if you've been sleeping in)
- Get your bag and equipment ready
- Organise your pencil case: You will need pens (blue, black and red), pencils, eraser, ruler, coloured pencils or textas, highlighters, scissors and glue -all books and folders will be provided
- Check the length of your school uniforms as you may have grown over the holidays
- Check your computer or iPad is working
- Write down some holiday memories or exciting news to share when we return - you may like to email this to yourself or Ms Jervis
- Log onto Mathletics, Life Skills Go or Typing Club to get your head back into learning mode
- Read a book
- Plan what you will bring for lunch this year
- Think about things you want to learn or improve on this year - we will be setting goals and can all work together to help you to achieve
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